Transform Learning into Adventure - Meet Study Tale 🧠 ✨

Unlock the Power of Adventure-Based Learning with Study Tale

Turn Study Time into Adventure Time - Learn with Stories. Experience education like never before with fictional themes guiding your journey. Each learning path is crafted to keep you engaged and motivated, making studying a truly enjoyable experience.

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Simple pricing for everyone.

Choose an affordable plan that's packed with the features you need.

15 Study Coins

A basic pack for trying out our features


  • Create one learning path
  • No subscription required
  • Full access to all features

50 Study Coins

A simple pack for experimenting with our tools


  • Create up to 4 learning paths
  • No subscription required
  • Full access to all features

100 Study Coins

A great pack for those who want to generate multiple learning paths


  • Create up to 9 learning paths
  • No subscription required
  • Full access to all features

Stop wasting time on unclear lessons.

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